top-icon1.png Alameda Dr. Carlos DΓÇÖAssump├º├úo No.180, Tong Nam A Seong Ip Chong Sam, B9, Macau.  top-icon2.png  (853)  2882 2266    

Governing Bodies

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest authority of the ASM. Its main role is to approve annual plans of activities and reports of the Executive Committee as well as to approve accounts of each year and budget of the following year. The General Assembly is headed by one Chairman and two vice-Chairmen who are elected to serve a term of two years.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee manages affairs of the ASM in accordance with the approved plan of activities and recommendations put forth in the General Assembly, and administers the AssociationΓÇÖs funds and assets. The Committee is formed by seven nominees, from whom one President and two Vice-Presidents are elected.

Supervisory Council

The Supervisory Council, formed by one Chairman and two associates, approves the accounts and reports of the Executive Committee.